10 January 2010

Going green with wedding invitations

Electronic invitations sent via email are a great green idea for next month's dinner party, but what about your June wedding? There is a certain amount of formality with weddings that most of us would rather not overlook... and rightly so. A wedding day is a special day with special food and special dresses. But still, you can't seem to get past how many trees are being chopped in the name of your special invitations? Don't worry. Here are a few ideas for maintaining a formal (special) feel for your wedding invitations, sans Evite.

Go bamboo. According to LewisBamboo.com, some strands of bamboo grow up to 100 feet in 60 days! So, don't feel bad about traditional paper invitations when you choose paper made from bamboo. A quick internet search reveals tons of printing companies offering bamboo invitations in hundreds of lovely designs.

Go practical. Why not send an invitation that your recipient can use rather than throw away? Try candy-coated almonds in your wedding colors presented beautifully in a bamboo box. A nice, silver picture frame can double as an invitation and a favor. Have a basket (hold the plastic wrap, please) filled with locally grown treats delivered with a special message inside. A small, green plant (potted, not cut) blooming with a save-the-date note might become a permanent fixture on someone's mantle (minimal paper, lots of special).

Go website. No, not an email, but an entire website dedicated to your wedding. This is a popular trend that makes sense in today's world. After setting up your website with your colors, style and event info, add thoughtful touches for out-of-town guests including tips for area hotels, restaurants, things to do and a map to the venue. Guests can access your website any time from their smart phones for reminders and registry updates!

These are just a few ways to keep invitations special while being considerate of our planet!

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